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Non-Fatiguable Nystagmus

by Dr. Christopher Chang, last modified on 4/29/16.

DISCLAIMER : We do NOT consider ourselves "dizzy" experts, but provide the following info as a service to patients. Incorrect self-diagnosis is a risk that may lead to injury and further balance problems. Use of the following information is only meant as an educational tool. Please see your doctor to be formally diagnosed and treated. Please keep in mind that this flowchart is a general guide and that there are subtleties that are not addressed here.

If Dix-Hallpike Produces Non-Fatiguable Nystagmus...

BPPV always produces a nystagmus that weakens with repetitive Dix-Hallpike maneuvers. When it does not fatigue, it argues against BPPV and suggests either a brain or spine issue... most commonly cervicogenic vertigo is present.

In this situation, seeing a neurologist is the next appropriate step to evaluate the dizziness further and potentially a spine surgeon.


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