Pre & Post-Op Instructions
These are .pdf files. One must have Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view these documents.
- Perioperative Instructions (Spanish)
- Insurance Info for Surgery Patients
- Nasal Irrigations (NeilMed) (Watch Video in Adult / Child)
- General Wound Care Instructions
- Post Cryotherapy Skin Care
Intra-Oral & Sleep Apnea Surgery
- Intra-Oral (tongue, cheek, lip, etc)
- Adenoidectomy (Watch Video) (Read Article)
- Tonsillectomy (Watch Video) (Read Article)
- Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy (Read Article)
- UPPP (Read Article) (Watch Video)
- Base of Tongue Reduction / Lingual Tonsillectomy (Read Article)
- Coblation Palatoplasty (Read Article)
- Tonsil Cryptolysis for Tonsil Stones (Read Article)
- Tongue Tie and Upper Lip Tie Release (Read Article on Tongue Tie Relase and Upper Lip Tie Release)
- Sialendoscopy (Read Article)
- Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) (Read Article) (Watch Video) (Spanish)
- Generic Nasal Surgery
- Septoplasty (Read Article) (Watch Video) (Watch Animation) (Spanish)
- Coblation Turbinate Reduction (Watch Video) (Spanish)
- Closed Nasal Reduction
- ClariFix (Wach Video)
- Vivaer
- Tracheostomy (Watch Video)
- Pan-Endoscopy with Biopsy (Direct Laryngoscopy/Esophagoscopy/Bronchoscopy)
- Thyroidectomy (Read Article)
- Endoscopic Staple Diverticulostomy (More Info) (Watch Video)
- Post-Botox Injection Information Sheet (For patients with SD)
- Removal of Vocal Cord Growths (Micro-Direct Laryngoscopy with excision) (Watch Video)
- Voice Rest
- Myrinogotomy and Ear Tubes Placement (Watch Video) (Read Article) (Spanish)
- Middle Ear Surgery
- Fat Graft Tympanoplasty
- Ear Piercing
If the patient is a child, below are some safe videos you can watch with your child to prepare them for day of surgery!
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