The Dizzy Patient Evaluation

by Dr. Christopher Chang, last modified on 4/13/21

DISCLAIMER: We do NOT consider ourselves "dizzy" experts, but provide the following info as a service to patients. As we are an ENT practice, we will only perform the appropriate testing and evaluation to see if the ears and/or allergies are a cause of a patient's dizziness. Anything more needs to be arranged through your primary care physician or another specialist. Generally speaking, a neurologist is the specialist able to provide the most comprehensive evaluation of dizziness.

Dizziness described as sudden episodes that lasts only seconds to minutes (never more than 30 minutes) followed by periods of relative normalcy...

...that mainly occurs with movement associated with posterior neck pain.

You may be suffering from cervicogenic vertigo (especially if you had whiplash injury or arthritis of your spine). Evaluation of this possibility requires additional studies with a spine specialist.

Read more about dizziness in general here.

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